
Raring To Roll

Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: March, 2018
Click the picture to enlarge it

Morning got here too soon. It was cold. It was barely enough light to see to couple up the rig. The OFM was not excited about the upcoming expense but sometimes you have to take care of the equipment. It had been well over 100,000 miles and 8 years since the Castle had a running gear physical.

The “hospital” opened right on time. The exam folks were on top of everything in a first class manner. The Castle was backed into the garage bay for the procedure and the OFM got out of the way. Repack the wheel bearings and repair/replace any thing not right so the Teams can wonder the land again.

After a little while the OFM stopped by to check on the damage  status. The tech, who goes by the nickname of Panda, had things laid out well and was deep into the project at hand. The OFM got to check out everything and the news was generally good.

 The spring shackles assembly showed little to no wear. Thats one excellent.

The brake drums did not need turning or replacing. Another excellent.

The braking magnet was less than 1/2 worn down. That is a very good. 

The brake shoes were right at 1/2 worn down.
That is a very good.

The spindle was in immaculate shape. That is another excellent.

The bearings and races showed some rolling pattern on them but did not evidence any heating or unusual wear. That is a good.

So after a couple of minutes of discussion the OFM decided to replace the bearings totally. Which the tech did.

So what it boils down to is the running gear of the Castle is now in perfect condition for another 8 years of wear. Can you imagine the OFM towing the Castle around the country when he is 79 years old. Heck that even scares the Teams.

Here is a copy of the invoice. As you can see RVing is not free.

The Teams will rest much better tonight knowing all the equipment is ready for the challenges ahead as we run around trying to have tooooo much fun.

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