
Harvey Leftovers

Adventure Location:  Decatur, Alabama

We have the remnants of Hurricane Harvey making one last try to get the OFM. However it is not likely to make more trouble than causing the grass to grow extra at Gavinland. It looks like a nice heavy rain is coming to our area. The noticeably cooler air temperatures will be the major difference we will see here.

More daily walk pictures are being shown tonight. This egret was trying to hide in the shadows of the trees but old nosey OFM managed to see it and take a few pictures.

The egret was about fifty feet away and did not seem to be bothered with the OFM messing around trying to figure out how to operate the camera. When we returned along the path later, the egret was by the path and took off to other parts of the river with a very loud SQUAWCK.

Near the egret event was a lot of bubbles coming up from the bottom of the inlet. There is lots of vegetation rotting on the bottom. We are betting that it is methane gas from the rotting wood and leaves. Gavin might call it “wood farts”.

Naturally we have to have a flower and it is a white flower this time. As usual the OFM has no idea of the proper identification of the flower.

A walk today between rain showers showed that fall is setting in on the trees and brush. In a few days we might even have some nice colorful leaves all around us. Photographing the color changes will be a gentle way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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