
Catching Up

Adventure Location:  Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
No Internet means a long post of the travels until we get Internet again.

The OFM was up and ready to roll when daylight came to the campground. He was anxious to try out the new hitch settings with Sierra and the Castle. We hit the road about 0715 and was rolling smoothly. The OFM immediately put the Tow/Haul mode into action on the rolling short steep terrain for this leg of the trip. We rolled easily with a rest area stop about 2 and a half hours into the day. It was a fairly short to take care of necessities and a bit of walking.

We got to Tatum right on time after lunch. Before we got to Tatum, we actually pulled into the Henderson TX Walmart for an item that the OFM thought he needed. They did not have the item but the OFM did purchase a sandwich from the deli and apparently from the speed it disappeared it was delicious.

The state park welcomed us and we were soon at a site with electricity and plugged it. It peaked at 93 today and was gentle enough in the shade that the OFM worked up a MAJOR sweat making  sure all things were ok for the next part of the travels.
You know who is tuckered out tonight and keeps falling asleep leaving the Teams to do all the work of putting together a story of our travel of today.

With a little over 300 miles of road ahead of us the OFM was not excited over the distance. We rolled about 0745 and traffic was light for the whole distance. Once again we found the worst roads in the world are in Shreveport La, Monroe La, Vicksburg Ms, and Jackson Ms. They will show you any weakness in your rig of any kind. WOW YUCK.
It was a tiresome run today but the temp here at Roosevelt  State Park in Mississippi was 88 when we checked in about 1400. It has been a good evening looking over the lake and being glad that with any luck at all we will be in Gavinland this time tomorrow.

The OFM got us out and rolling by 0715 this morning. The rig rolled very well and traffic was light. A smart move by the OFM saved us from navigating the suicide merger required when you go from I-20 eastbound to I-65 northbound in Birmingham. It is a blind merger to the right with a trailer and into four lanes of full speed traffic heading north. Last year the OFM did it for the last time in Sierra and nearly had a wreck. this time we turned off on hwy 69 in Tuscaloosa and came out on I-65 near Cullman. That was a lot more scenic and safe. We still made it to Point Mallard Campground right at 1400 hours like all the years before.

During one of the bouncy rough road events the OFM heard something metal hit the highway. He immediately recognized the noise from the tubular bar that is used to engage and disengage the spring bar chains on the weight distributing hitch. Yep when we got to the campground, the bar was not in our possession any longer. He thinks he left it on the bumper. So now a trip to Home Depot is in order for a replacement.

The campground folks had a site already for the Teams. It is a good site and we had an easy time of the setup.  Next we found out the wifi would not talk to our computer. It is the first of the month and bills need paying!

We talked to the OFM’s son tonight and it will be sometime this weekend before we get over to their house for tickling grandkids. They are taking care of some medical treatment for Gavin and the get ready for kindergarten requirements. The OFM has plenty to do until then so it will work well for a delay until the weekend so we will not be rushed during the visit.

As you can see we now have very good wifi. A great morning walk in the 71 degree “heat”. The walk kept getting interrupted so the OFM could take another picture. Enjoy the catching up as we work on trying to have tooooo much fun.

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